
3 Little Things You Can Do to Stay Positive Every Day

3 Little Things You Can Do to Stay Positive Every Day

I am temporarily staying in Tokyo, Japan. In talking with friends and family, I have the impression that it’s not always easy to live in Japan.
I am proud that Japan is a wonderful country in many ways, but I can't help thinking that most people are probably still living with difficulties or worries. They are more or less related to relationships and self-confidence.
I live in the woods in Canada. 
There are some worries and frustrations in rural life as well as life in the cities. However, ultimately, no matter where you live, your way of thinking determines your happiness.
So, living in such a difficult world, what can we do to keep a positive attitude? I have written down some of my ideas.

1. Learn Something New

People are less likely to fall into negative thoughts when they are passionate about something. 
When you're working hard at something, you can focus on it, so you don't have time to worry about your fears and worries.
If you're really into something at the moment, then you can focus your energy on it. If you don't have anything that you can focus on, why don't you start learning something new?
It could be learning languages or computers, dancing, or whatever.
Find something that interests you and that you would like to learn. Do not only keep thinking "I'd like to try it", but actually take action.
Age cannot be a barrier to learning new things. If you can get into it, you won't have time for negativity.

2. Grow Plants

We always want to be needed by someone. It’s because when you feel that you are an important person to someone, you can be assured that you have a meaningful existence. 
You want to do something useful to someone and you hope to be thanked by someone, am I right?
It might be a good idea to create an environment where you always have someone to take care of.
If you have children, childcare may give you a sense of self-approval. However, it’s not always straightforward. It also could bring more stress or frustration to you as they’re growing up. 
Then, why not try growing plants?
Having pets is another option, but some people may not be able to keep pets in their house for some reasons, or even if you can now, you might no longer be able to keep them one day.
Therefore, growing plants is a relatively easy option. It can be houseplants, or you can grow vegetables or flowers.
Plants grow day by day. Just looking at them growing would give you positive energy.
— You may say you are not good at growing plants.
Some plants need certain conditions to grow well, so if you have failed before, it's probably because you didn't have the right plants.
It can be fun to experiment with different plants and find the plant that is the right partner for you.

3. Set Up Your Favourite Time

Set up a time just for yourself in your daily routine. This is your “favourite” time.
The beauty of life can be found anytime in our everyday life. It might be…
  • The moment you make your morning coffee, smell the fragrant aroma of the coffee, planning what you are going to do today,
  • When going out to your favourite café for lunch, indulge in our favourite reading, or
  • In the evening, you take a long bath in a bathtub with essential oils of your favourite fragrance while listening to your favourite music...
You can set aside such "time just for yourself" as part of your daily timetable. You could even call it a reward for yourself.
It is a time to enjoy your favourite moments and to reflect on yourself.
It's a time to let go of the anxiety and the obsession with what's not at hand and to be grateful for the precious time and life you have at your fingertips.

Love Yourselves for Being Negative

We are all human and it is natural to have mood swings. Even the most cheerful and happy people have moments of depression.
If you let your guard down and become negative, forgive yourself for it. Negativity is part of who you are.
Even if you feel a little down, you can reset your feelings at your “favourite” moment.
With a little daily effort, you can turn your mood upwards. In this way, I believe we can gradually learn to control our moods.

This story was originally written in Japanese. 


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